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Thank you for starting your subscription to OptiMSM+C (and Curcumin if you have ordered it).

You will immediately receive the products you have ordered by post. We will send you an invoice by email.

Check your email for your order confirmation.

You then continue with a monthly subscription until you cancel it. The subscription has no binding or cancellation period . You can cancel the subscription whenever you want.

Contact us at or call us at +47 78 44 20 00 if you have any questions :-)

Greetings from us at Aarja Health

MSM is also often referred to as the "beauty mineral", as it is known to be good for skin, hair and nails.

Our bestseller OptiMSM®+C is the world's purest MSM and has many clinical studies behind it.

We receive an incredible amount of positive feedback on our OptiMSM®+C, and the common denominators are, among other things, more energy, less joint pain, better sleep and better skin.


OptiMSM initiates a detoxification of the body. It cleanses the liver, kidneys and stomach/intestines, and in connection with this can cause some short-term side effects such as loose stomach, mild nausea and discomfort in the body.

This occurs very rarely and is transient in nature and not dangerous. Should you experience this, just take a break for 5 days and start again with a smaller dose. If you have a sensitive stomach, we recommend that you take the product with food.

(Although Kirsti and many others have experienced improvement when using our products, we cannot guarantee this. If you are taking medication or have a medical condition - Always talk to your doctor before starting a dietary supplement. Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet).

Thousands of satisfied users!