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Aarja Health


Sleep better and without leg cramps!

Aarja's Triple Magnesium + B6 + Zinc + Cranberry contains three effective sources of magnesium. Good for sleep, leg cramps, blood pressure, nervous system and maintains normal muscle function.

90 tablets | 1-3 tablets per day

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Free shipping on purchases over SEK 499. Easy return 4.8 rating Secure payment
Free shipping on purchases over SEK 499. Easy return 4.8 rating Secure payment

20000+ satisfied customers throughout the Nordics 🇸🇪🇳🇴🇩🇰🇫🇮

Magnesium and zinc are good for muscle function, including the heart muscle. Both magnesium and zinc also promote normal bone formation.

Magnesium contributes to normal electrolyte balance, which plays an important role in the normal functioning of cells and organs.

Magnesium and vitamin B6 contribute to normal energy metabolism, which is important for a healthy functioning body. Zinc contributes to normal metabolism of macronutrients, carbohydrates and fatty acids.

Magnesium and vitamin B6 are essential for many functions in the body, and adequate levels of magnesium can fight fatigue and exhaustion.

Both magnesium and zinc support protein synthesis. This is essential in DNA replication, transcription into RNA and translation into protein. Magnesium also has a role in the cell division process.

Magnesium and B6 are beneficial for normal functioning of the nervous system and it contributes to normal psychological functions. Zinc also contributes to normal cognitive function.

Are you an active person or an athlete? Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for active people. If you are an active athlete, your body may excrete more magnesium than usual, increasing your daily magnesium requirement.

Vitamin B6 is also important for the normal formation of red blood cells.

Zinc and vitamin B6 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin B6 and zinc contribute to the maintenance of hair, skin and nails.

Vitamin B6 and zinc contribute to a healthy hormonal balance. Zinc especially contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.

Zinc helps reduce oxidative stress in the body to protect DNA, proteins and fats from oxidation.

All health claims are approved by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).

Recommended daily dose: 1 to 3 tablets per day.

Directions for use: Take one (1) to three (3) tablets per day with or without food.

When should I take Magnesium? Magnesium is best taken in the evening as it can help the muscles and nervous system to relax and give you better sleep. For better stress control, you can split the dose – for example 1 in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Precautions: Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Inform your doctor about using the product if you are under medical treatment. Magnesium can help lower blood pressure. Pregnant and lactating women are encouraged to eat a varied diet.

Storage:: Store dry, closed and out of reach of children. (15-25 degrees).

Recycle the bottle: Recycle the bottle and cap for plastic waste or energy waste.

Recommended daily dose contains: 1 tablet 3 tablets
Magnesium 116.7 mg (33%**) 350 mg (100%**)
Zinc 1.7mg (17%**) 5.0 mg (50%**)
Vitamin B6 0.7mg (50%**) 2.1 mg (150%**)
Lingonberry powder 20mg*** 60mg***

***NRV: nutrient reference value not defined. **% of nutrient reference value


Magnesium salts of citric acid (magnesium citrate), thickeners (microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose), magnesium bisglycinate (magnesium), magnesium taurate (magnesium), cranberry juice powder (cranberry juice (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), maltodextrin), surface treatment (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol), zinc citrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6).

All Aarja Health® products are manufactured in our own modern factory in Finland. Quality is our top priority. Our system of quality control includes analyzes of raw materials and finished products, written and standardized production and packaging instructions, instructions for use and cleaning instructions, real-time documentation of production lots, change management, control of production facilities and full product tracking to and from material suppliers. We analyze all the raw materials we receive, but also that the packaging of the raw materials is intact, has the correct labels and that the appearance and composition of the raw materials match our reference samples.

Vad är magnesium?

Magnesium är ett livsviktigt mineral som spelar en avgörande roll i över 300 enzymatiska reaktioner i kroppen. Det är avgörande för energiproduktion, nervfunktion, muskelkontraktion, blodtrycksreglering och benuppbyggnad.

Vad är magnesium bra för?

Magnesium är kanske det viktigaste mineralet och täcker nästan alla funktioner i kroppen, speciellt för muskler och nerver, hjärthälsa och energiproduktion. Det hjälper också till att reglera nivåerna av andra mineraler och vitaminer i kroppen. .

Hur mycket magnesium rekommenderas per dag?

Rekommenderat dagligt intag av magnesium varierar beroende på ålder, kön och livssituation (som graviditet). I allmänhet rekommenderas 280 gram för kvinnor och 350 mg för män.

Kan man ta för mycket magnesium?

Ja, det går att ta för mycket magnesium, och man vet inte med 100% säkerhet vad den övre gränsen är. Därför är det viktigt att följa doseringsanvisningarna! För mycket magnesium kan ge biverkningar som diarré, illamående och magont. Överdrivet kaffedrickande, stress, användning av antibiotika, vissa mediciner, diuretika och alkohol kan också orsaka en större förlust av magnesium i kroppen.

Flera källor till magnesium

Det finns flera olika typer av magnesiumkällor, var och en med sina egna unika egenskaper och hälsofördelar. Aarjas magnesium är sammansatt av kvalitetskällor och inte bara för att lindra muskelkramper, utan även för att stödja ditt hjärta, sömn, nervsystem och mage bland annat. Dessutom har tranbär, B6 och zink tillkommit. Zink är ett viktigt mineral för bland annat huden och vårt immunförsvar och kan vara till nytta vid olika hudproblem, som oren hud. Vitamin B6 är nödvändigt för energiomsättningen i kroppen och för nervsystemet.

Hur vet jag om jag får i mig tillräckligt med magnesium?

Symtom på magnesiumbrist kan vara muskelkramper, mental trötthet, ihållande trötthet och huvudvärk. Ungefär hälften av magnesiumet finns i skelettet och den andra hälften i muskler och andra mjukdelar. Mindre än 1 procent finns i blodet!

Milda fall av magnesiumbrist behöver inte ge några symtom alls. Symtom på magnesiumbrist kan variera från letargi och ihållande trötthet och svaghet, till illamående och aptitlöshet, muskelkramper och huvudvärk. Eftersom dessa symtom lätt kan förväxlas med andra saker bör du konsultera en läkare innan du drar dina egna slutsatser.

Kan man ta magnesium varje dag?

Ja, det är säkert och ofta rekommenderat att ta magnesium dagligen, speciellt om du inte äter tillräckligt med mat som innehåller magnesium. Magnesiumtillskott kan hjälpa till att upprätthålla nödvändiga nivåer i kroppen och förhindra brist. Det finns inget som tyder på att det är skadligt att ta magnesiumtillskott.

Även om du äter en bra och varierad kost kan det ändå finnas anledningar till att du utvecklar magnesiumbrist. Magnesiumupptaget minskar med stigande ålder, så att äldre ofta har lägre nivåer av magnesium och vissa andra näringsämnen.

Hur snabbt fungerar magnesium?

Effekten av magnesiumtillskott kan variera beroende på individuella faktorer såsom kroppens magnesiumnivå före intag och det specifika tillståndet som behandlas. Vissa kan uppleva effekter som bättre sömn eller minskad muskelspänning inom några dagar, medan andra effekter, som förbättrad hjärthälsa eller nervfunktion, kan ta längre tid.

När ska man ta magnesium?

Den bästa tiden att ta magnesium är på kvällen då det kan ha en avslappnande effekt som förbereder kroppen för sömn och återhämtning. Men det kan också tas på morgonen, eller spridas över dagen, speciellt om du tar högre doser. Om du har mycket stress under dagen är det en bra idé att ta lite på morgonen, och resten på kvällen 30 minuter innan läggdags.

Är magnesium vattenlösligt?

Ja, magnesium är vattenlösligt, vilket gör att kroppen lätt kan ta upp och transportera det när det löses i vatten. Det som kroppen inte behöver kommer att utsöndras genom urinen, vilket gör det viktigt att upprätthålla ett balanserat dagligt intag.

Why Aarja Health Magnesium+B6+Zinc?

  • Increases energy
  • Good for your muscles
  • Supports bone building
  • Antioxidants from lingonberries
  • 3 best forms of magnesium
  • Pure and safe ingredients
  • No unnecessary additives

Maintain energy level, heart rate and muscle strength with Magnesium + B6 + Zinc

Magnesium + B6 + Zinc is perfect for keeping energy levels up as it is involved in 6 out of 8 processes in the body that produce energy. Magnesium helps convert food into energy, and it also helps transport energy throughout the body. Getting enough magnesium is important for your overall health – not just for keeping your energy levels up. Magnesium is involved in over 300 important metabolic reactions in the body, including energy production, blood pressure regulation, nerve signal transmission and muscle contraction.

Magnesium is a mineral substance and in the body, magnesium is involved in many processes and acts as a catalyst for over 350 enzymes. The most significant intake of magnesium occurs via green leafy vegetables, other sources are for example almonds and whole grain products such as bread, fortified breakfast cereals, bananas and drinking water. Magnesium is also found in nuts, berries, fish and shellfish.

Magnesium deficiency

Be aware of these symptoms that could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Problems with memory and poor concentration, migraines, fatigue, constipation, sleep problems, muscle cramps, chronic pain and heart disease.

Why should you always take magnesium with vitamin B6?

Magnesium and B6 are good to take together as B6 is known for its ability to increase energy levels while magnesium helps calm the body. Magnesium also plays an important role in the production of serotonin, which helps improve mood. Together, magnesium and B6 can help you feel more relaxed, more alert and happier. Vitamin B6 is also vital for the body to be able to absorb all the magnesium you consume.

The benefits of adding zinc to our unique formula

Magnesium and zinc work in synergy to support optimal health. For example, magnesium helps increase the absorption of zinc, and zinc helps improve the absorption of magnesium. In addition, both minerals are required for the activation of enzymes involved in energy production. Taking magnesium and zinc together can help support optimal energy levels throughout the day. In addition, both zinc and magnesium have antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Bisglycinate, taurate and citrate

There are 8 different varieties of magnesium. We use the 3 most optimal varieties of magnesium; bisglycinate, taurate and citrate. This gives a wider effect in the body as they have different areas of effect. Magnesium bisglycinate is particularly good for supporting good sleep, relaxation and hormone balance. Magnesium taurate is known to support a normal blood sugar level and blood pressure. Magnesium citrate supports normal energy function and contributes to normal muscle and nerve function.

Customer Reviews

Based on 71 reviews
Triple Magnesium

Sedan jag började ta triplett magnesium har mina kramper i benen slutat. Verkar vara en bra produkt!


Har tidigare haft svårt med sömnen. Tar nu 2 tabletter magnesium innan sänggåendet och det fungerar mycket bra. Känner mig även mer fokuserad och energifylld på dagen.

Magdalena F
Sover djupare

Har sovit lätt och vaknat ofta senaste halvåret men efter att ha tagit Magnesium +B6 en vecka så sover jag djupare och bättre.

Maria L
Sover så lugnt

Innan jag började med Aarjas Triple Magnesium var min sömn ojämn. Ibland sov jag knappt alls, ofta myrkrypningar i benen, rusande tankar, kände mig klarvaken. Men när jag tagit detta magnesium regelbundet så sover jag mycket bättre! Myrkrypningarna har minskat, jag sover lugnare, djupare och utan att vakna flera gånger. Jag gillar Aarjas produkter för de känns genomtänkta, naturliga och deras pulverdrycker smakar så fräscht och fritt från konstiga bismaker, sötslisk eller kemikaliska smaker.

Yvonne Borg
Sömnen är djupare.

Jag märker redan att ex min sömn är djupare.

Our Premium MAGNESIUM3 contains 116 mg  of 3 high-quality magnesium variants in one tablet – citrate, bisglycinate and taurinate. Highly bioavailable magnesium complex with added vitamin B6, Zinc, and Lingonberry. One bottle contains 120 vegan tablets, which easy to swallow. This product is stomach-friendly and it does not contain any unnecessary additives like magnesium stearate. Made in our own IFS Food -certified factory in Finland. 


"Fantastic product with excellent customer service, can't fault any of Aarja Health supplements"
Magnesium laadukas arvostelu

Jackie, Amazon UK
20 OCT 2020

"I really like this brand of magnesium as it is a complex with not one just type of magnesium but three types namely citrate, bisglycinate and taurate. This is important as magnesium is generally very poorly absorbed so a good cross section ensures a better absorption rate.

This brand offers a good complex and a strong dose with a recommended dose of 1 -3 tablets per day.

I’m taking it daily now and have noticed a big difference in my leg muscles and energy levels and can happily recommend it."
Magnesium laadukas arvostelu

Neil, Amazon UK
1 JAN 2021

"I am happy to recommend this magnesium and would gladly buy it again for myself. I’ve now tried a few different Aarja health products and am very pleased to have found the brand."
Magnesium laadukas arvostelu

TheUnexpectedItem, Amazon UK
31 JAN 2021


boost my 

You need magnesium. It’s involved in more than 300 chemical reactions in your body. Muscles and heart need this mineral for optimal functioning. Your nervous system needs it to send and receive messages. It may support better sleep and it keeps your immune system strong. Our MAGNESIUM3 is a blend of 3 highly absorbable magnesiums. Our tablets are efficient, easy to swallow and gentle for stomach.

high quality

We know that it is difficult to find highly absorbable magnesium. Generally only 60% of magnesium is absorbed because of the poor quality. We wanted to improve magnesium absorption by choosing the best high-quality forms of magnesium. Magnesium citrate, taurate and bisglycinate are the most absorbable forms of magnesium, with great health benefits.


has excellent absorption and it's one of the most commonly used magnesium forms.



has also high absorption and it's the most gentle magnesium for your stomach. This form is said to have calming effect because of it's form - thus it's used to support good sleep and rest.



it's also one of the most absorbable magnesium forms. Taurinate is said to be good e.g. for cardiovascular health and it's also gentle for the stomach.


The entire family of B vitamins are very important in making sure that all of the body’s cells are functioning properly. Now, our ever-popular Magnesium3 will provide you with even more health benefits with the addition of vitamin B6, which helps to support healthy immunity, neurological function, energy metabolism, and so much more!


Zinc is a trace element that should never be underestimated! Playing a role in over 200 enzymatic reactions, Zinc is necessary for a wide variety of functions that support wellbeing including immunity, hormonal balance, muscle and bone health, oxidation, and more. Our bodies don’t store Zinc, so we need to get it from our daily diet! 


Nordic wild lingonberries, like bilberries, are really nutrient-rich and very fibrous berry. Lingonberry is also rich in polyphenolic compounds and has been used for centuries in the Nordic countries because of its nutrients and great taste. We added lingonberry in our Magnesium3 to boost the absorption in the body.







pure, safe

We spend a lot of time finding the best raw materials for our products because we want to be sure that they are pure, safe, and well absorbed in your body. We avoid unnecessary additives and allergens – and thanks to the new technology we have invested in, we have been able to remove a much used magnesium stearate.

made by  Us 

We only make products that we use ourselves and would give to our family. We make them ourselves to be 100% sure of their quality. Meet our Production Supervisor Samppa who is making sure that the raw material he is holding meets our high-quality standards. All our products are made with love by our professional staff in our own factory in Finland.

inspired by

Our roots are far up North in the land of wild nature, where our Sami forefathers have lived in harmony with their surroundings – and depended upon it for food and medicine. Harsh climate through 8 seasons gives the plants a unique strength and life force. We have listened to this wisdom and carefully chosen Nordic ingredients in our supplements to give the best effect for your health and energy.

What is magnesium?

Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, is made up of many enzymes. Our Premium Magnesium3 contains three high-quality and highly bioavailable magnesium forms. Citrate is found naturally in citrus fruits. Bisglycinate is an organic magnesium salt, and taurinate is an essential amino acid.

What foods are high in magnesium?

Foods that are high in magnesium include green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads, cereals, meat, poultry fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

Why take magnesium?

Many people do not get the required amounts of magnesium in their diets alone. Yet, magnesium is responsible for over 300 metabolic functions.