11 Simple Ways to Increase Energy Naturally
Have you been feeling tired lately? Do you have enough energy to get through the day without feeling sleepy? Is the cold weather keeping you down? Low energy levels and chronic fatigue affect so many people worldwide, luckily there are many ways to boost energy levels!
Do you want to avoid coffee and sugar as a snack for a quick energy boost? Here below we give you some simple, natural tips to increase energy so you can fight fatigue and feel energetic and attractive all year round!
Manage your stress naturally
Have you been feeling low on energy lately? One of the first things to ask yourself is whether or not you have been stressed. Fatigue and low energy levels can be caused by a large number of contributing factors, but stress is by far one of the most common causes. It is important to note that some stress levels are normal and even healthy! But prolonged stress over time can create imbalances in neurotransmitters and hormones like dopamine and serotonin, contribute to sugar cravings that can lead to poor food choices, and even affect our immune system and make us vulnerable and tired. If you live a high-stress lifestyle or are prone to stress easily, stress management techniques such as mindfulness and meditation, regular exercise, spending time with friends and family, and a good work-life balance can be great natural energy boosters.
Exercise regularly
Exercise is perhaps not the first thing that comes to mind when you want to increase your energy level. After all, when we're tired, the last thing we want to do is exercise. However, regular exercise can contribute to better energy levels overall. Increasing the heart rate and getting the blood flowing is a signal to the body to release endorphins - the feel-good hormones well known for their positive effect on mood. In addition, the cardiovascular effects of regular exercise mean better circulation and oxygen delivery to our vital tissues, organs and muscles, making us feel our best. The mental health benefits of exercise are also well documented, so if your lack of energy is due to mood or psychological causes, exercise can help by improving self-esteem, reducing anxiety and depression, and improving the body's response to stress.
Focus on a healthy diet
It's no surprise that diet is a big factor in our energy levels, after all, our bodies are constantly using energy and nutrients to build, repair and replace our cells. But what are the best foods to increase energy? We have some favorites! By far, one of the best energy-boosting foods is complex carbohydrates. Foods with complex carbohydrates, which contain glucose (the body's main energy source) and lots of fiber, slowly release sugar into the blood without creating a large insulin response that causes the "sugar crash" feeling. Instead, complex carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy after the meal and are among the best foods for energy. Examples of foods with complex carbohydrates are whole grains, beans, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, quinoa and most fruits and vegetables. However, our list of energy-rich foods does not end here. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, fatty fish (such as salmon and herring) and water are all nutritious foods that provide protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to support healthy energy levels.
Include supplements that support energy
Along with diet, we also need to think about supplements for energy levels. Depending on the cause of the fatigue, it can be difficult to find the right vitamins to increase energy. Fortunately, we have an energy package that supplies antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and metabolism-supporting elements that support energizing processes throughout the body. In fact, we have a whole collection of vitamins and minerals to boost energy levels, including supplements like Vitamin D3 with Lingonberry , OptiMSM , Isotonic Sporty Boost , Curcumin with Ginger and B12 , and so much more! Be sure to head over to our store to stock up on our fatigue-fighting favorites today! With a healthy diet and some of Aarja Health's wisdom, you'll be feeling energized in no time!
Restart your sleep cycle
When energy is in short supply, it is not uncommon to hear the recommendation for rest, and rightly so! Sleep is an important part of supporting healthy energy levels, not only because it allows our bodies to rest, repair and recover, but also because our sleep-wake cycle is one of the main drivers of hormone balance. Without a proper sleep schedule, it can become increasingly difficult for the body to "feel awake" at the appropriate times. That said, however, more sleep isn't always the key to boosting energy levels naturally. When the body is out of regulation through the sleep-wake cycle for an extended period of time, sleeping 14 hours straight to "catch up" won't necessarily solve the problem. Instead, the best option may be to stay awake to try to "reset" the cycle, as developing a regular sleep schedule helps the body restructure the release and regulation of hormones. So if your naps aren't helping boost your energy levels, try breaking up your sleep instead! Even though you may be tired, try to stay awake by a set bedtime and wake up at a consistent time each morning. This way, your body will begin to find a natural rhythm that will help you feel energized throughout the day!
Making sure you are properly hydrated is a very important part of feeling energetic. In fact, dehydration causes an increase in our cortisol (stress hormone) levels which, if you remember from the stress management section, is a big factor in how energetic we feel. Not to mention that water plays a huge role in chemical reactions throughout the body AND significantly affects brain function. Even a small amount of dehydration can affect brain function and contribute to imbalances in mood and memory as well as fatigue and headaches. So when it comes to hydration status, water is an absolutely necessary component to feeling energized!
Try yoga
Although yoga is considered a form of exercise, we thought yoga's effect on energy levels deserved its own honorable mention. Yoga practice helps promote circulation, which in itself can boost energy levels naturally, but it also works as a great stress management tool. Focusing on deep breathing through movement can have truly profound effects on stress hormone levels in the body, so you get the benefits of exercise AND stress management all at the same time! In addition to this more modern understanding, many alternative health practices see the body as a vessel of energy centers through which our life energy (or life force) flows. According to Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the symptoms that occur when the flow of this life energy is blocked are often illness and you guessed it - fatigue! Being an ancient practice, yoga has been used for many years as a way to stimulate energy flow throughout the body to help prevent disease and low energy levels. The same can be said of other meditative forms of exercise such as tai chi and qi gong. Whether you believe in vital energy or not, the effects of mindfulness and breath-based exercise on the body are undeniable and great ways to increase energy naturally.
Sing your favorite songs
When was the last time you sang your favorite song in the shower? Although unconventional, singing can be a great way to boost energy levels, and you don't even need to have a beautiful singing voice. You may be wondering how singing can increase energy? Well, just like exercise, singing increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the body, which leads to the release of endorphins. In addition to this, singing can also help reduce stress levels and thus also support a healthy immune system. So the next time you're feeling low on energy, tell your friends to plug their ears, put on your favorite song and sing along!
Spend time in nature
There's nothing better than spending some time outside for a quick energy boost! Nature's effects on energy levels have become increasingly well documented, showing that approximately 20 minutes per day or approximately 120 minutes per week is beneficial for overall health and well-being. There are many reasons why this might be, but reduced stress is a pretty big reason, along with improved hormone balance, reduced anxiety, and improved mood and mental health. Studies have even shown that walking in nature as short as 10-15 minutes can help reduce fatigue and exhaustion while improving mood and attention. Spending time in nature has even been a well-known Japanese practice since the 1980s - called Shinrin Yoku or Forest Bathing - which is used to counteract the effects of several different forms of illness and is becoming popular worldwide for its many health benefits.
Be social
Given that many people have experienced various forms of isolation over the past two years, it comes as no surprise that being social is on our list of natural energy boosters. It has been shown in many cases that social engagement and strong community ties result in better health during aging, while loneliness can cause low mood and fatigue. Laughing is also a fairly well-known stress reduction technique that can reduce cortisol (stress hormone) levels and release muscle tension throughout the body. And what better way to relieve stress than to share a laugh with your loved ones? Laughter also causes the release of those feel good endorphins which as we know are good for a good boost in energy levels.
Surround yourself with potted plants
Potted plants are so much more than just decorative greenery. All plants filter the surrounding air as part of their respiration cycle, so if you're struggling with fatigue, it might be time to boost your energy naturally with a little help from houseplants! Even in a clean home, a few extra houseplants can help filter out air pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone that can come from a number of household items such as paint, printers, cleaners, flame retardants in furniture, personal care products, fragrances and more! Since indoor air pollution is 2-5 times worse than outdoors, it is extremely important to do what we can to live in fresh and clean air to support energy levels.
You don't have to go through life needing a nap, so go ahead and give these energy-boosting tips a try! Soon you will feel refreshed and ready to take on your day! Remember, in order to have sustained energy, it is important to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and many of our natural energy boosters can be done weekly to support energy levels long term!