Elisabeth's Way to an Active Lifestyle
Today, our co-founder Elisabeth lives an active lifestyle to feel strong and energetic. This has not always been easy for her. Elisabeth was plagued by health problems that required several heart surgeries and felt tired and depressed.
Elisabeth began her training journey when she met Håkon, whom she married. Three years ago, they then founded Aarja Health. "When I met Håkon, he dragged me out and helped me start running," remembers Elisabeth. "I don't think I would have been able to start that routine without him. He showed me patience and never gave up. We started slow."
Elisabeth's approach to fitness was not without fear: "I didn't think exercise was good for me because of my heart. After a while I realized that was absolutely a mistake!" She elaborates with the following: "Our heart is a muscle, and when we exercise it becomes stronger. It becomes more resistant to arrhythmias, which I suffered from."
Elisabeth says that when she started running, she immediately noticed a change in her daily energy level. This motivated her to keep moving. "I will be grateful for the rest of my life. Håkon made me realize how important exercise is to my overall health. My mental health also improved."
Elisabeth runs a couple of times a week, during the eight Sami seasons, but especially enjoys her winter training. "We love going up in the mountains, where there is only pure, white snow and blue skies on a sunny day." Both Elisabeth and Håkon also enjoy cross-country skiing together.
As for how she suggests people start a fitness journey and make it a habit, Elisabeth says: "Start slow and applaud all your achievements. Start with 10 minutes! There's a lot of research on how beneficial just ten minutes of exercise a day can be ." Elisabeth warns that setting too ambitious goals can lead to failure. "Attitude is really important," she emphasizes. "To start a new habit, it's important to do it gradually."
A flexible schedule is the key to Elisabeth's training routine. She explains that she works out in the morning, after a light breakfast, or around 3pm to give her mind a break from work during the week.
Of course, Elisabeth takes nutritional supplements to support her active lifestyle. "If I'm hungry before the run and don't want to eat, our Isotonic Sporty Boost is perfect to take, because it gives me the energy I need without filling my stomach with heavy food."
Elisabeth also takes OptiMSM +C with blueberries for energy and recovery after exercise, as well as Magnesium3+B6+Zinc to prevent muscle cramps. She adds that Curcumin with Ginger & B12 is especially good to use for inflammation after a workout, but when used regularly it works to prevent inflammation.
By starting and maintaining an exercise routine, Elisabeth has given her life new energy. Regular exercise combined with a healthy diet and supplements to support the body is the best method for an active lifestyle.