A Healthy Ageing
Healthy aging requires being active, eating healthy meals and supplementing them with nutritional supplements to fill nutritional gaps. There are 13 essential vitamins and many minerals all combined in supplements, so how can you decide which ones to take?
Daily energy with B12
First, we all want energy at any age. Aarja means energy in the Sami language. Energy gives life and movement! This allows you to enjoy every day. Vitamin B12 supports normal energy-producing metabolism and at the same time provides relief from fatigue and exhaustion. Did you know that many older adults are deficient in B vitamins? This is because, with age, the stomach stops producing as much acid, which makes absorption more difficult. For a daily energy boost, try Aarja Health's Vitamin B12 with blueberries.
Heart health
Heart health is another problem with aging. The heart needs to remain strong. Regular exercise is important to keep the heart pumping. EPA and DHA in omega 3 support the heart muscle. It achieves this by increasing levels of the good cholesterol, known as HDL, and lowering LDL, the bad type of cholesterol for the body.
What are EPA and DHA? EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA docosahexaenoic acid come from fish and shellfish. Arja Health's Omega3 Boost contains krill oil , a powerful source of both. Unlike fish oil, which is yellow, krill oil is red from a carotenoid pigment called astaxanthin. This is what gives krill its pink hue. Amazingly, it even contains more antioxidants than fish oil! In addition, the vanilla-flavored supplement is free of any fishy aftertaste.
Muscles and joints
Exercising to stay fit and keep the heart pumping can often cause joint and muscle pain. For adults who love to walk, run, cycle and more, try our Curcumin, Ginger and B12 . Curcumin and ginger are both powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
In addition, magnesium supports and relaxes the muscles to help reduce pain. Tip: Take magnesium in the evening with a small snack to get a good night's sleep. At Aarja Health, we love our Magnesium3 with zinc and B6 .
Collagen starts to decrease after the age of 30. This naturally occurring protein in the body is included in tendons, bones and ligaments. To keep joints healthy, you can add Aarja Health's Collagen & Hyaluronic acid with pine bark . Made from BioCell®collagen, which comes from pure dietary chicken breast cartilage. In addition, the hyaluronic acid contributes to lubricating the joints.
Fragile bones
Of course, bones become much more fragile with age. In fact, bones break down faster than the body can replace them. To reduce the risk of osteoporosis and broken bones, especially in women over 50 and men over 70, calcium is so important. For calcium to be as effective as possible, it needs the help of vitamin D and vitamin K2 to facilitate absorption. Reach for Aarja Health's Calcium D3 + K2 with blueberries.
It is important to take care of your health as you age. Exercise and good nutrition are the cornerstones of achieving this. Dietary supplements help fill in the nutritional gaps and give you an extra boost.