Spring is here and the sun is shining, filling us with energy and increasing serotonin, the "happiness hormone", in our bodies. You can see people going out and enjoying the sun with a smile on their face. It feels like spring brings us back to life.
It has been proven that people have a more positive attitude on sunnier days. In northern countries, it is also common knowledge that a lack of light affects mood and energy levels. People living in the Nordic countries are usually familiar with seasonal fatigue symptoms, because the difference in light between winter and spring is huge. But the light is not always energizing, and some of us may feel tired due to the increased sunlight. There are no studies on how common spring fatigue is, but it has been physiologically proven to be a real thing.
In the spring, our hormone activity is unstable because of the light. Our melatonin levels decrease, causing difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Bright evenings do not make it any easier, we simply do not sleep enough, which is one of the causes of fatigue. Spring fatigue and exhaustion are usually not serious but can still negatively affect our ability and vitality. Changes in hormone activity can also cause symptoms of depression. However, it usually takes a few weeks for the body to adapt to the light and pass the spring fatigue. If it doesn't go away and you're still feeling down, here are some tips on how to ease the symptoms:
It can be difficult to maintain your sleep rhythm when the number of light hours increases. But do your best to avoid things that can affect your sleep routine - like caffeine in the evening, phone and computer screens, and even watching TV can affect your sleep. Take time during the day to wind down, breathe deeply and reduce any stress you may be feeling.
Exercise and especially outdoor exercises can help combat spring fatigue. It can be hard to find motivation, but even a walk outside can help. When you're outdoors, you get fresh air for your brain and even short walks can reduce stress. Exercise increases your metabolism and releases endorphins, which perk you up both physically and mentally.
Sometimes exercising late at night can overstimulate you and negatively affect sleep, so it may be better to exercise during the day or after work. Forest walks can be particularly good because of nature's calming effect plus they can be done even in the evening.
Eating well and healthily can support your energy and vitality during the changing seasons. In the old days when fruits and sources of vitamin C were not so common, the lack of nutrients, especially vitamin C, was the main cause of spring fatigue. Still, it can be good to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. In addition, good and healthy sources of fat, carbohydrates and protein are at the heart of daily well-being. When we are tired, we may be more prone to unhealthy eating. Especially too much white sugar. This can make you tired, so try to avoid constantly consuming too much sugar. Dark chocolate can help increase serotonin levels, which are usually low when you're feeling depressed. Therefore, switch from milk chocolate to darker chocolate. Drinking enough is important for metabolism.
B vitamins, B12 + Blueberries, are important for energy metabolism because they can reduce fatigue. These vitamins are especially important for people on specific diets such as vegans and vegetarians. These B vitamins also support our immune system.
Find B vitamins and get energy with Aarja's Vitamin B12 + Blueberry. You can also get B12 from our natural immune system supporter Longvida Optimized Curcumin - a curcumin supplement that contains bioavailable curcumin (from turmeric) and ginger extract as well as vitamin B12.
Vitamin C is best known for being the vitamin that supports the immune system. If your daily consumption of fruit, vegetables and berries is low, it may be good to think about whether you are getting enough vitamin C. Vitamin C also reduces fatigue and exhaustion plus a normal energy metabolism. It contributes to the absorption of iron and some other nutrients. Our VITAMIN C 500 is combined with zinc and Nordic chaga , which also makes it a good product to support normal vision and healthy skin, hair and nails.
Try Aarja's VITAMIN C 500 with Zinc and Nordic Chaga - it provides optimal support for your immune system all year round and also reduces fatigue and exhaustion.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the whole body but especially for the brain. If there is not enough fish and other rich sources of omega-3 in your diet, this nutrient may be helpful for you. Get highly bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids from Aarja's popular and bioavailable OMEGA3 Krill Oil ! There will also be a new Vegan OMEGA3 product available soon, so keep your eyes peeled.
In addition, vitamin D is still an important nutrient even when we get more sun. Our skin is not yet used to using the sun's rays effectively and we still wear a lot of clothes. Sitting indoors for long days also greatly affects our sun exposure and should be considered if you rely on natural D intake. Get your daily D3 from Aarja's Calcium, D3+K2 , which contains 50 mg of vitamin D in absorbable form. Now there is also Vitamin D3 4000 + lingonberry in our webshop!
Magnesium supports the muscles and nervous system and is an important nutrient for general well-being. Magnesium can help our bodies rest and that is why many people take magnesium before bed. It also supports a normal energy turnover. Aarja's premium triple MAGNESIUM3 tablets support your daily performance.
Did you know that it is not a myth that spring makes people more attracted to each other? This is a fun fact but it is also more common to have a small crush on someone during the spring. When there is more sunlight, hormones or more precisely brain neurotransmitters like serotonin make us more energetic and cheer up our mood. It is also one of the reasons why we are more social and interested in each other and perhaps then more likely to meet someone interesting.
We wish you all a healthy and energetic spring full of love!
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